About Patient Case History
38 years male came with complaint of low backache since 8 years, which gradually increased with time & not relieved with medicines. With time he felt pain & burning sensation in both legs. At the time of admission he was not able to stand & walk more than 5 minutes & walking distance was only 150 to 200 meters.
After clinical examination & MRI of lumbar spine he diagnosed spinal canal stenosis & both foraminal stenosis at l4-l5 level due to large sequestrated slip disc.
He operated (Decompressed the canal & foramen) with Endoscopic Technique Stitch Less Trans Foraminal Endoscopic Diskectomy under Local Anesthesia by Dr. Gireesh Gupta Consultant Spine Surgeon.
Post operatively patient immediately got relief in backache and leg pain & patient was comfortable to walk just after 15 minutes of surgery.
Patient Case History
- Date 07 Apr 2018